Show Santa Who’s Boss!: 5 Fitness Gifts for 2012

Holiday season is upon us and with just about 1 month until Christmas, it’s time to start thinking about stocking stuffers. We all have that person in our life that’s been talking about making fitness changes in the New Year. How about doing them a huge favor and helping them get started!

This week, I’m going to show you 5 great gift ideas that you can give to your favorite person. Alternatively, you can use these ideas as hints to “Santa” so that you’ll be ready to start 2013 with a bang!

The Dragon’s Favorite Fitness Gifts for 2012:

   1. Fitness Tracking Package: This gift is actually a combination of the three most   important items used to track fitness goals. They consist of a quality scale (I prefer EatSmart or Epica brands because of their great precision), a cloth measuring tape to measure circumference and a set of calipers to measure body fat percentage. All three items can be purchased for around $60.00.

   2. High Quality Blender: This gift is actually on my own Christmas list. I’ve been through more blenders than you can believe. When I began my journey to fitness, I realized the importance of making shakes. After several cheap blenders, I’ve finally had it with the cracked canisters, burned out motors and blades that become dull. Save your fitness chaser the time and headache by providing them with a functional, durable blender. A sturdy blender like the KitchenAid brand 5-Speed model can be obtained for around $100.00.

   3. DVD Fitness Training Program: The popularity of at home fitness programs is at an all time high. The average working person finds it hard to fit gym workouts into their schedule. They also jump into the New Year eager to join a gym only to regret the monthly commitment when money gets tight. A way to solve both problems is to get them started with any great DVD Fitness Training Program. I, of course, recommend any of the Team Beachbody programs (found here) like P90X or Insanity. While it is true that I am a Team Beachbody Coach, I must say that this company really does have the most comprehensive and most effective programs on the market. Just do a quick search and you will see that thousands of people have gotten serious results from the programs.

   4. Workout Clothes: Have a gym rat that wears the same thing every time that they go to the gym? How about a runner whose sneakers are falling apart before your eyes? Or maybe even someone that just throws their workout gear into a plastic bag when they head out for work in the morning? There are tons of options here. Everybody needs an extra set of sweats, shorts & t-shirts or a gym bag where they can store their items. Additionally, your gym guy or girl might need new workout gloves, an armband for their iPod or a lock for the gym locker. Mix and match a few items and use them as stocking stuffers.

   5. Subscription to Fitness Magazines: Nothing says extra motivation like getting a monthly reminder of what you want to look and feel like. Magazines like: Muscle & Fitness, Women’s Health / Men’s Health, Runner’s World or Yoga Journal can all be purchased for anywhere between $20 and $40 for a yearly subscription. The wealth of information far outweighs what you’ll pay for this great gift.

As you can see, it doesn’t have to cost tons of money to give a great fitness gift. Any of these items, along with your encouragement, will go a long way to motivate your loved one to get out and get moving. A few honorable mentions are: Gift certificates to all of the great healing places out there like your local Spa, Massage Therapist or Acupuncturist or purchasing a few hours from a personal trainer. This way, you are not only offering health and wellness but you are also supporting local business!

Now that you’ve gotten some ideas make sure you order early so that you’ll have them in time for the holidays. Enjoy giving your gifts as much as you enjoy getting them and remember…

Dream Fit. Live Fit.

Show Santa Who’s Boss and give the gift of fitness this year!

Stand up for yourself! : The Importance of Proper Posture (w/ guest Lindsey Miles)

This week’s very special “Pre-Thanksgiving” post returns us to one of the basic yet very important aspects of fitness. Today we will take a look at Posture. This post is brought to you by my very special guest, Lindsey Miles of Miles of Healing in Ellicott City, MD*. Lindsey is a former Occupational Therapist who now practices very unique forms of healing that deal with using postural alignment to help people become well. Before she teaches us a little more about what postural alignment is she will remind us of the importance of proper posture.



“Posture functions as an on-off switch that activates emotions;…it allows you to optimize your health without the need for increasingly common major-medical intervention driven by experts, many of whom operate on the sincere but erroneous assumption that the body is fragile, makeshift and prone to break down.”

– Let’s Lighten Up by Pete Egoscue with Roger Gittines.

Posture affects our entire body’s process. When the body is in alignment we can live a life without limitations, free from pain. For the athletic person, a body in alignment means increased strength from the body’s muscles that were intended to perform the specific task. It means no compensation with muscles that were never intended to perform a job we are asking of it. When we are compensating we are more prone to injury. For example, repeat injury on a specific body area does not improve unless we take the compensation off. If we are told we have bad knees and no cartilage how can we fix that? Surgery, pain pills, braces, ace wraps……after all the years of wear and tear is the only way, right? WRONG! How about we realign the body so the constant pressure is no longer on the knees and then the tissues are able to regenerate, eliminating pain and allowing you to complete the activity you enjoy without surgery, without pain medications, without hospitals.

It makes sense to me that if you hurt, you fix what is making you hurt. This treatment (postural alignment) works for all injuries, all pain, and is not invasive. It does not matter your fitness level, from athlete to couch potato, it gets you up, gets you moving, and changes your body’s appearance. Our philosophy at Miles of Healing is simple: Straighten then Strengthen. We straighten using poses, exercise, and movements to get the correct muscles working and moving, getting your body back to working the way it was intended. Any old injury, cast or altering of your body can alter your body’s alignment.


I’d like to thank Lindsey and her husband, Roger for their contributions to this week’s post. The work that they are doing is really interesting and beneficial to people from all walks of life. Correct posture is indeed important and if you live close to their facility, I suggest you stop by. Their website can be found here:

 Miles of Healing

Now, before you run off to chow down on that Thanksgiving feast, I’d like to leave you with a brief homework assignment that you can do and even share with your family and friends:

The Dragon’s Proper Posture Test:

  1. Find a wall.
  2. Stand with your back against it.
  3. Position yourself so that the following four points make contact with the wall:
  • Your Heels
  • Your Buttocks
  • Your upper back (rear shoulders)
  • The back of your head

4. You’re Done!

Common thought about proper posture suggests that you should stand “tall” as if you were making four points of contact with a wall. So now that you’ve tested yourself against the wall, remember that feeling and walk around with your new proper posture. It may feel strange at first but in no time you will feel much better and appear upright and strong!

Have a great time this week with family and friends and until next time, remember…

Dream Fit. Live Fit.

Proper posture can reduce pain throughout the body and help you with all of your daily activities.

* Miles of Healing Company Description:

Miles of Healing was started in August 2012. Lindsey had been an Occupational Therapist for 10 years and Roger a successful business entrepreneur. They both felt the necessity to educated and bring wellness to the area, adding their own modalities with Postural Alignment certified by Egoscue University and Bioresonance full body scans and therapy. They live in Ellicott City with their 4 children and their South African Mastiff named Holly. They are an active family that enjoy the outdoors, Bon fires, camping, hiking and spending time together as a family.

Monster Mass Building Part IV (The Finale): Wicked Wheels!

Well, here we are folks! This post marks the conclusion to The Dragon’s Monster Mass Building Training Series.  This final hardcore weightlifters’ segment is brought to you by the letter “W”. As in WICKED WHEELS. Today I will give you two workouts designed to turn those scrawny toothpicks you call legs into powerful pistons!

If you’ve been to any beach or gym you’ve noticed “That Guy”. “That Guy” is the one with a huge upper body and almost no muscle in his lower half. Sometimes he looks as if he’s going to tilt over due to the disproportions. Don’t be “That Guy”. How can you avoid this? Let’s find out after this brief message from Anatomy Professor Dragon:

The Legs

For our purposes, the legs can most easily be divided into three parts: Hamstrings, Quadriceps (Quads), and Calves. Since they function to carry the body around they are probably the most vital muscles for daily life (besides the HEART). They are also the easiest to injure because they require HEAVY weight to properly develop them. With that said, I urge complete caution when training the legs. I can’t stress this enough. Be Smart. Be Safe. Especially with Deadlifts and Squats.

  1. Hamstrings: The Hamstrings are a group of 3 muscles that are located on the upper backside of the leg. They work together to extend the hip (i.e. standing up), contract the leg (i.e. pulling the heel to the butt), help rotate the knee and propel you forward. Together they can be considered to be ½ of the thigh.
  2. Quadriceps: Quadriceps, or simply “Quads” are on the upper front and side of the leg. They are the largest muscle group of the body and consist of four heads. In actuality, the quads are a muscle group not just one muscle. They work together to extend the leg at the knee. Both the hamstrings and the quadriceps work together in unison in every physical activity, i.e. running, jumping, kicking and squatting.
  3. Calves: What we commonly call “calves” are really a group of muscles that make up the bottom half of the leg. There are many muscles that make up the calves with very long, funny sounding names including Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Tibialis and Digitorum. Let’s just stick with calves for this post. The calves help extend, contract and rotate the foot. They are also vital for propulsion, running, jumping and pivoting. Wanna jump higher, run faster and get some well deserved attention on the beach? Train your calves.
  4. Other Important Muscles: I won’t spend time describing the many other muscle groups that are worked while training the legs but you’ll also feel the burn in your Glutes (Butt) and lower back. Ok. Let’s train…

The main muscles involved in leg training are:
Calves (including the Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Tibialis)

The Dragon’s Wicked Wheels Leg Workout:

Before I give you the training program that will surely have you walking funny for days after, I will say again…BE CAREFUL and TAKE YOUR TIME. These are powerful exercises and can injure you permanently if not done properly.

Workout #1:

  • Smith Machine Squats: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 Reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Squats: 3 Sets x 10 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl: 4 Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Seated Single Leg, Leg Extension: 4 Sets x 10 reps


  • Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises (with plank or step): 5 sets in the following order – 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps
  • Inverted Calf Raises (Leg Press Machine): 6 (3 each) Sets x 10 reps. Alternate between 3 sets of pointing your toes inward for 10 reps. Then follow on the next set by bringing your heels together to make a “V”
  • Seated Single Leg, Toe Press Machine: 3 Sets x 10 reps

Workout #2:

  • Deadlifts: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 10 – 12 reps
  • Leg Press: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Lunges: 3 Sets x 10 reps.


  • Inverted Calf Raises (Leg Press Machine): 4 Sets x 15 – 20 reps
  • Seated Calf Raise Machine: 3 Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Seated Single Leg, Toe Press Machine:  6 sets x 10 reps

Now that we’ve come to the end of this series I’d like to remind you all about some basics to help you out in your training:

  1. Do every rep strictly and properly. Bad form leads to bad results.
  2. For anything in the 7 – 10 rep range, aim to lift 80% of your 1 rep max. This will really tear into those muscle fibers and stimulate growth.
  3. Eat Eat Eat! 1 to 1.5 G of protein is absolutely necessary to pack on lean muscle. Eat most of your carbs around workout time and make sure you get a good shake in right after you lift. Monsters don’t nibble. They devour!

Follow these guidelines closely and victory will be yours! As always, if you need more extensive help with your diet I will build a customized one for you for only 1 training hour. PayPal Accepted! Contact me here to get started…

Dream Fit. Live Fit.

Killer calves come from hard work and dedication. Some prime exercises for developing them include Toe Presses and all varieties of Calf Raises. Use different rep ranges and try to hit them 2 times per week!

Monster Mass Building Part III: Beastly Back & Biceps!

The Dragon’s Monster Mass Building Training Series continues this week with what may be the most intense workout yet. Today, we focus on the back and the biceps. That’s right. Consider this week’s post to be a “twofer”! This is easily one of my favorite workouts because of the insane pump that I get after doing it. Minutes after you finish you will probably curse me. Weeks after, you will thank me. Let’s get started.

The Back

Besides all of the great health benefits of having a strong back, an added bonus is the much admired “V” shape you will have. Combined with a trim waist, a barn door back will make you look like you have wings. It is a real head turner. Back workouts are typically divided into upper and lower, with most of the focus being placed on the upper back. Let’s take a look at the muscles that encompass the back:

  1. Trapezius: This large diamond shaped muscle is mostly trained with the shoulders and has been already covered here in part II.
  2. Latissimus Dorsi: Translated as “broadest muscle of the back”, the Latissimus Dorsi (AKA “lats”) are the key to having a wide wingspan. They run parallel to and outside of the Trapezius muscle. They are large and mostly flat and are responsible for extending the arms outward and upward. The most effective exercises for these muscles are pull-ups, lat pull-downs and bent over rows.
  3. Teres Major & Teres Minor: This is an “unofficial” third part to the upper back.  These “synergists” (AKA helpers) are responsible for rotating and helping the lats to move the arms outward from the body.

The back consists of:
1. Latissimus Dorsi
2. Trapezius
3. Teres Major / Teres Minor

The Dragon’s Bicep Workout immediately follows the Back Workout. During your back workout your biceps will be getting a warm-up for the work that is to come. They will become a bit “pre-fatigued” by the pull-ups and close grip lat pull-downs. By the time you end the Bicep Workout you will definitely feel a deep full burn. Now let’s learn a bit about them:

  1. Biceps: Biceps are rated the number one muscle that people associate with strength. They are the epitome of “manliness”. When you ask someone to “make a muscle” what do they do? They show off their arms. The key to obtaining bowling balls for biceps is to hit them from multiple angles and focus on a wide variety of rep ranges. Let’s get right into it after this brief introduction to the Biceps muscle. The Biceps Brachii or simply, “Biceps” is a two headed muscle that stretches from the shoulder to the elbow on the front side of the arm. It’s primary function is to bring the lower arm toward the body (flexing). Take a look….

The Bicep Brachii (or simply “Bicep”) Muscle consists of 2 heads. A variety of exercises need to be performed to effectively train both heads.

Now, let’s leave the classroom and go to the gym so we can do today’s workout.

The Dragon’s Beastly Back & Biceps Workout:

Workout #1:

  • Pull-Ups: 3 Sets x 10 – 12 reps
  • Seated “Lat” Pull-downs: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Close-grip / underhand “Lat” Pull-downs: 3 Sets x 10 reps
  • Bent over Barbell Rows: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Bent over 1 arm Dumbbell Rows: 4 Sets x 10 reps


  • Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Concentration Curls: 3 Sets x 5 – 7 reps
  • Hammer Curls: 3 Sets x 10 reps
  • Chin-Ups: 2 Sets until failure

Workout #2:

  • Pull-Ups: 1 Set x 10 reps
  • Seated Cable Pull: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • T-Bar Rows: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets 5 – 7 reps
  • Lying Dumbbell Pullovers: 3 Sets x 10 reps
  • Bent Over Reverse Flys: 4 Sets x 10 reps


  • Seated EZ-Bar Curls: 1 Warm-up Set x 10 reps. 4 Working Sets x 8 – 10 reps
  • Standing Dumbbell Curls: 3 Sets x 10 reps
  • Seated Negative Rep Curls:  3 sets x 5 – 7 “negative” reps*
  • Chin-Ups: 3 sets 8 – 10 reps

*Negative Repetitions: Start at the contracted part of the rep (the end). Slowly lower your arm to the beginning position. Count very slowly as you lower your arm! Try to make it to a count of 50 for each rep.

Because this workout is lengthier and more intense than the previous ones it is important that you eat well so that you will have substantial fuel for both parts. Eat no more than an hour and a half and make sure you get plenty of complex carbohydrates. As always, be strict about your repetitions. Correct form far outweighs the amount of weight that you lift. No more time to waste. Go train hard and remember…

Dream Fit. Live Fit.

The Dragon’s Monster Mass Building Training Series III: Beastly Back & Bicep Workout

Mind over Matter: The Importance of Meditation!

This week’s “bonus” post is about a very important but rarely discussed aspect of fitness: Meditation.

Meditation is a technique of training the mind to be quiet and focused. It can be used to reduce stress, add a greater depth of concentration and to even help with memory and problem solving skills. In various religious cultures meditation is a spiritual practice and is held as devotional training. In other cultures, such as the sports community, meditation has recently become yet another skill to be employed in enhancing performance. The bottom line is that in this very hectic day and age people from all walks of life have reported benefit from it. We should all seek to use mindfulness as a way to create a better existence for ourselves.

I have been trained in several advanced forms of meditation and can personally attest to its power. It has assisted me in my professional career as a fitness trainer and acupuncturist. More importantly, it has helped me cope with all of the curve balls that life throws at me. I will share with you a very basic meditative technique that you can do in 15 minutes. Regular practice will lead to phenomenal results. I guarantee it!

The Dragon’s Meditation For Beginners:

  1. Sit upright in a chair with both feet firmly placed on the ground. Place your hands on your lap.
  2. Relax your shoulders and your back, easing all of the tension in your body.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Engage in 5 breaths of “Belly Breathing”. If you’re not sure how to do it you can find the directions here.
  5. Count backwards from 300. Use each breath as 1 measure. Visualize the numbers as you count. Focus on “seeing” the numbers. Choose your favorite color and shape. Don’t work too hard at getting a perfect color or shape. Just be mindful of your count.
  6. Try to maintain your count and erase all other thoughts from your mind. If you find your thoughts drifting to other things  (like what’s for dinner or which bill is due today, etc.) gently bring your attention back to the numbers.
  7. As you reach zero, slowly open your eyes and take 5 more “belly breaths”.
  8. Continue with your day.

Once you’ve successfully been able to count backwards from 300 without your thoughts drifting, increase your time to 500. Meditation can be done just about anywhere at anytime. After some practice you can even employ this technique with your eyes open and in the midst of other activities. You’ll find that you will have a greater sense of clarity and less anxiety. You may even find some additional hidden benefits commonly associated with the more “mystical” side of meditation…

At Dragon Gate Fitness, internal fitness is just as important as external fitness. For that reason I highly recommend meditation. Now go find a nice quiet space and try it out. Sky’s the limit!

Dream Fit. Live Fit.

Meditation is a technique of quieting and focusing the mind. Its benefits include increased concentration, improved memory and decreased stress!